BG LHB AC Double-Decker --- The new air-conditioned LHB double-decker coaches have many superior technical features like aesthetically pleasing stainless steel body, high speed Y-Frame bogies with air springs suspension for superior ride quality and many other safety related features. These newly designed coaches are capable to run at a speed of 160 kmph. The passenger carrying capacity has increased to 128 passenger in comparison to 78 passengers in Shatabdi chair car, thus increasing the capacity by almost 70%-as excellent breed by RDSO which furthers the cause of an LHB Rake without compromising on the comfort factor. Since this design has substantially lower tare weight per passenger, these coaches are more energy efficient. The FIAT-SIG bogie is a welded H frame type based on the Eurofima standard. The wheel base is 2560 mm, the wheel diameter is 915 mm and at maximum wear 845 mm. Main features of the bogie are primary suspension with articulated arms and coil springs, secondary suspension of integral flexicoil type with coil springs and rubber pads on top and bottom, anti-roll bar, vertical and transverse shock absorbers and anti-hunting dampers. For braking on each axle two disc brakes with 640 mm diameter, brake cylinders and automatic slack adjuster are provided. Type - LWCZDAC.