WDP3A Class Locomotives

The Loco Story :
Built by Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi first in 1998.
Maximum speed limit - 160 kmph. Power output of 3100 hp.
India's first successful dedicated mainline passenger diesel locomotive class. Mainly used in Konkan Railway for hauling Trivandrum Rajdhani. Homed mostly in GOC, ERS & TKD sheds.
Twin full-forward cabs, streamlined design, Alco 251-C V-16 power unit, with an ABB/GE turbo supercharger and provided with an electronic governor to control the engine's power output.
Two-stage suspension with Flexicoil Mark IV fabricated bogies.
Newer units of this class are being fitted with dual brakes.
Technicalities :
Engines --- Alco 251C-16 (upgraded by DLW), 3100hp. 1050rpm max / 400rpm idle.
Napier NA 295 IR or ABB VTC304-15 turbocharger. 228mm x 266mm bore/stroke, 12.5:1 compression ratio.
Unit fuel injection. Cooling system has centrifugal pump with 3785l/min capacity @ 900rpm; fan driven by an AC motor, 35kW.
Transmission --- Electric, with BHEL built TA 10102 BW alternator (1050rpm, 1130V, 4400A).
Axle Load --- 19.5 tonnes.
Bogie type --- Co-Co Flexicoil Mark V (fabricated bogie frame and bolster assembly).
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