Briefs on Alstom Linke-Holfmann-Busch Coaches

Saliant Features
Maximum Speed - 180 kmph (Upgradable upto 200 kmph).
Length over body - 23.54 m
Width of the car - 3.24 m
Length over buffers - 24.00 m
Wheel base - 2.56
Minimum radius of curve - 175 m
Car height above rail-level - 4.039 feet.
Number of Seats --- 1st AC CC - 56, 2nd AC CC - 78.
Shell Construction
Low-corrosive stainless steel body.
Ferritic Stainless steel for sidewall, endwall & roof.
Austenitic stainless steel for roof sheet & trough floor.
Corten steel for under frame & other parts.
Sound & corrosion resistance ---- Inside of shell sprayed with insulating emulsion Polyurethane (PU) - Beryskin. Resonaflex (made of unsaturated pvc) & glass-wool also used.
Straight side wall no projections or cambering, stainless pipings with interlocked joints.
Furnishing of LHB coaches
High Pressure Laminated (HPL) sheets & Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester (FRP) sheets panel.
Use of pressure locks of 3m
Absence of visible screw in the interiors.
Polyurethane (PU) foam cushion seat with air spring reclining.
Alluminium luggage racks. Individual reading light (For AC 2-tiers & 1st Ac).
Fire retardant indigenous UIC rubber Vestibules with thermal lock & with low or nil toxic fumes. The vestibule doors are stainless steel sliding doors.
Anti-skid floaring in entrance area.
Heat & Sound insulation are the key features.
16 mm macore ply-board floor mounted to metal rubber elements with 4 mm cork layer sandwithed in between. Additional vibration-damping properties to reduce transmission of vibration from bogie to coach.
Bogie FIAT
Y shaped frame with tubular cross beam, all coil spring.
Flexi-coil spring in secondary suspension.
Articulated axle guidance with control arm fitted with anti-roll bar
Lesser wheel base - 2560 inches.
Wheel diameter 915- 845, wear adopted profile
Catridge tapered roller bearing.
Disc brakes -- Disc diameter 640 mm with pads on both sides.
Primary vertical dampers 4 per bogie --- 2 Secondary Vertical Dampers, 2 lateral shock-absorber & 2 Yaw dampers.
LHB Brake System
Clasp type disc brakes - 2 disc per axle.
Microprocessor controls against wheel sliding
Bogie level isolation, Asbestos free composition of brake-pads.
ACP (Alarm Chain Pulling) causes emergency brake applications.
10 inches diameter brake cylinder with built in slack adjuster.
Brake cylinder pressure of 3.8 bar or 55 pounds per square inches. Cylinder volume - 9.75 lbs
With magnetic brakes/sinteredbrake pads (only for 200 kmph speed not in India)
Each coach fitted with 8 brake cylinders with effective piston area 510.7 cm2.
Each coach fitted with 16 brake pads.
Volume of auxiliary reservoir - 125 liters.
Brake calliper ratio --- General coaches - 2.48 & Passenger Coaches - 2.17
Anti-skid Device
Pressure regulation inside brake cylinder - adjust braking force.
To prevent wheel skidding & to reduce braking distance.
4 angle speed pick up device, one on each axle (frequency generator).
Micro processor control & adhesion control with supervisory unit, for exchange of information, axle & bogie speed & acceleration comparison.
Response time --- less than 200 m
CBC (Center-Buffer-Chain) AAR-h Coupler
CBC tight-lock coupler --- The Scharfenberg coupler is probably the most commonly used type of fully automatic coupling designed in 1903 by Karl Scharfenberg also known as Schaku coupler.
It is superior in many ways to the AAR (Association of American Railroads - Janney/Knuckle) coupler because it makes the electrical and also the pneumatic connections and disconnections automatic.
The main disadvantage to the Scharfenberg coupler is its low maximum tonnage, which makes it unsuitable for freight operations.
Thus the two technology is amalgumated and AAR-h type CBC couplers are in use.
Anti-climbing feature i.e. anti-telescopic.
Also there is provision of screw coupling & buffer in head stock.
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