BG LHB AC Chair Car - Shatabdi Express --- These are vestibuled, air-conditioned, chair car coaches for intercity Shatabdi train services. Developed by latest German LHB (Linke Holfmann Busch) technology (later taken over by Alstom in 1998). They are considered to be "anti-telescopic", which means they do not get turned over each other, if the train derails or gets involved in a collision. The improved suspension system of LHB coaches ensures more riding comfort for the passengers compared to conventional rakes. The air conditioning system of the LHB coaches is of higher capacity compared to the older rakes and is controlled by a microprocessor which is said to give passengers better comfort than the older coaches during summer and winter season. Each LHB coach costs between Rs 1.5 crore to 2 crore, whereas the power car which houses a generator costs about 3 crore. The coaches are designed for an operating speed up to 160 km/h and could go up to 200 km/h. However, they have been tested up to 180 kmph. The FIAT-SIG bogie is a welded H frame type based on the Eurofima standard. The wheel base is 2560 mm, the wheel diameter is 915 mm and at maximum wear 845 mm. Main features of the bogie are primary suspension with articulated arms and coil springs, secondary suspension of integral flexicoil type with coil springs and rubber pads on top and bottom, anti-roll bar, vertical and transverse shock absorbers and anti-hunting dampers. For braking on each axle two disc brakes with 640 mm diameter, brake cylinders and automatic slack adjuster are provided. The tare weight of the AC chair car was weighed as 39.5 Tons. Seating capacity - 78 persons. More legroom than BG ICF AC Chair Car. These coaches are non self-generating i.e. they need EOG to get power. Type - LWSCZAC.