Track Recording Car - RDSO --- The main purpose of these special carraiges are the assessment of the condition of track, identification of locations needing maintenance and providing data to Railway Board and Zonal Railways. Type - RZ
In general Board Gauge routes are monitored by a TRC as per the following frequencies:
Routes with existing speeds above 130 kmph (Shatabdi routes)- once in 2 months.
Routes with existing speed 110 kmph and up to 130 kmph (Rajdhani routes) - once in 3 months.
Group A & B routes - once in 4 months.
Group C & D and 'D Spl.' routes - once in 6 months.
Group E and 'E Spl.' routes - once in 12 months.
On receipt of track recording car programme from the R.D.S.O., the Zonal Railways should arrange for suitable power and path for the special along with telecommunication arrangement between the track recording car and the locomotive. The Headquarters should advise the Divisions concerned for making necessary arrangements to ensure that the Track Recording Car has an uninterrupted run. The Divisional Engineer, Assistant Engineer and Permanent Way Inspector of the section and nominated officer/staff of Headquarters office should accompany the Track Recording run. The recording speed range of a Broad Gauge car is 70 - 80 kmph. The recording done below these speeds are taken as "Non-recorded". For obtaining comparable results between successive recordings, it is necessary to run the special at uniform speed. The track recording car specials must run on through lines of all stations. Recording should be done during day light hours.